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Special Offers

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Fridge Refresh on Us!

Book recurring cleaning services, and after your third visit, we’ll deep clean your fridge—so you don’t have to face mystery leftovers! Enjoy a fresher, more organized fridge without the hassle.

📞 Call us today for a free quote—and don’t forget to mention this special offer!

Terms and Conditions: Offer valid one per household. By electing to use this coupon, you waive the right to hold Garman’s Cleaning, LLC responsible or liable for any and all damage or personal injury. You waive the right to sue Garman’s Cleaning, LLC for any reason. By electing to use this coupon, you agree to allow Garman’s Cleaning, LLC to contact you regarding advertising and promotions. By electing to use this coupon, you forfeit your right to post a review of Garman’s Cleaning, LLC in any form that is not outstandingly positive in nature. Coupon has no cash value, and cannot be redeemed for cash or other compensation. Valid through 3/31/25.

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Trusted Cleaning Services

Garman's Cleaning is making home sparkle in Cornwall,  ElizabethtownEphrataLancasterLebanonLititzManheimMt Gretna, Mt Joy , Palmyra, PA, and all points between.

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8:00am - 5:00pm Mon - Fri

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